Sisterhood- The connective thread that binds us as women, together as one .

30-Jan, 24

Blush Pink Mimosa

The Four Sisters' ladies came together to create our very own Four Sisters' signature cocktail using our Prosecco.

Introducing our 'Blush Pink Mimosa'. Give it a try Sisters, you won't be disappointed. 


1 cup of pink lemonade (or traditional lemonade)

2 cups Four Sisters Prosecco

Fresh raspberries and strawberries

Lemon or lime slices

Mint to garnish (optional)

Makes 4 cocktails



Step 1:  Pour your pink lemonade into a large jug.

Step 2:  Top up with Four Sisters Prosecco.

Step 3:  Add your fresh raspberries, strawberries and a slice of lemon or lime.

Step 4:  Pour into 4 champagne flutes. 

Step 4:  Pop some fresh mint into each glass and serve! 


Tip: Adjust the ratio of the lemonade or Prosecco to suit your taste. 

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18-Feb, 24

Lessons For A Working Mum

Being a mum is the most rewarding thing in my world…but it’s also the MOST challenging thing.

For many years I was very focused on my career, so I always knew that when I had my kids I wanted to be able to do both…. continue working and growing my career & also be there for my kids.

It’s not quite as easy as it sounds…Here’s the six lessons I’ve learnt along the way….

1. The Guilt NEVER Stops

Something happens the moment you become pregnant, you enter the world of “mum-guilt.” It doesn’t go away…ever…. but talking to other mums (the like-minded ones not the super-mum kind) and putting things into perspective does help. I just accept the guilt now, even joke about it. I’ve learnt not to compare and do what’s right for me & my inner sanctum.

Working Mum

2. Quality over Quantity

I used to find it so tough not being able to be there for every milestone or event…. missing school events because I was travelling for work or in the office..…But I’ve since learnt that these moments are not what matters. The moments the kids remember are the intentional moments, the moments, I’m genuinely present with them.

I make it a habit to spend quality one-on-one time with my girls where all devices (including my mobile) get put away and I’m fully present and in the moment with them. These are moments we both remember!!

3. Go for Happy, Not Perfect

I learnt pretty quick that dropping my “display home” standard & gourmet meals cooked from scratch was a must for my sanity and those around me. We’ve mastered quick, healthy meals for during the week (of which we all help out to prepare, including my 13-year-old) and the house is tidy enough....just don’t look too closely.

4. Set Boundaries….it’s ok to say No

How many times have we heard this?!

This one took me some time, as a “previous people-pleaser” & all-round high achiever…but now before answering I remind myself that by saying yes to something or someone, what or who am I’m saying no to. This has made it easier for me to say no more often…and not feel bad about it!

5. Find your people….the like-minded ones…

The best friendships are the ones that understand you….my closest and most trusted friends understand that I may not check in with them every day or even every week given some days I’m struggling to keep my head above water between family commitments and work but I know they’re always a phone call anyway if I need them & they know that I’m always a phone call away if they need me too!!

6. Take Time Out

We can’t do it all & there’s no use trying…., like many mums, I learnt the hard way.

Eat well, exercise and rest…. and taking some me-time to do whatever recharges your batteries (for me it’s quiet time to read & getting some daily exercise in) …. I know that I’m the best version of me when I get this time for myself, so I try really hard to do so. It’s not possible every day but I’m getting better at making it more of a priority.

Working Mum

7. Communication is King

I’m lucky to have an incredible partner, who supports and shares the load. The key to what makes us work is open communication at all times. He can’t read my mind, so rather than expect him to (and get grumpy when he doesn’t), I let him know what I’m thinking and where I need his support & he does the same with me!

- Mel

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18-Feb, 24

Sisterhood Quotes

We can all benefit from our Sisterhood. A “sister” might be a related sister, a friend, best friend, your mother or even your mother in law….could even be your hairdresser or work colleague. It’s someone that you have a special bond with, someone that motivates, inspires, supports or cheers you on when you need it not. 

Our team at Four Sisters have collated our favourite top 10 sisterhood quotes that define sisterhood for us.

 Sisterhood in the kitchen 

All women can benefit from the power of Sisterhood.

1. “Sisters are like flowers in the garden of life, they bring beauty and joy wherever they grow.”- Louisa May Alcott

2. “A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.” Isadora James

3. “Sisters make the best friends in the world.” Marilyn Monroe

4. “A sister is a forever friend, a lifelong companion, and a constant source of love and inspiration.” Maya Angelou

5. "A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves —a special kind of double." Toni Morrison

6. “Sisters are like stars, you may not always see them, but you know they’re always there.” Unknown

7. “A sister is a dearest friend, a closest enemy, and an angel at the time of need.” Debasish Mridha

8. "Sisters are for sharing laughter and wiping tears." Unknown

9. “For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather.” – Christina Rossetti

10. A sister is a forever friend. Unknown

Sisters in the living room

"A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves —a special kind of double." Toni Morrison
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16-Feb, 24

Women Supporting Women

Women need women in their lives that will support them unconditionally. We can all do our best to support one another whether it’s at work, home life or socially.

Women alone are strong but collectively we can create impact.

Women dining outside

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -  Helen Keller

“And unfathomable change can happen when women support each other. In a society where we are often undermined, undervalued and unsupported, we need each other more than ever.” Says Mariah Maddox – editor of Motherly and author.


Here are a few suggestions on how to support the sisters in your life. 


Celebrate each other’s accomplishments

Give your sisters praise for their achievements. Show her that you’re proud!

Celebrating another woman's success will raise her up and empower her. Women rise by lifting each other up.


Show genuine support

Listen to her story so she feels heard and offer honest, positive feedback and support.  


Encourage women to be their best

All women deserve praise and encouragement. Sometimes it only needs to be a few words like ‘great job’ or ‘I really appreciate you’. Words of encouragement boosts confidence.


Be open-minded

No two people are the same. We all have our differences which should be celebrated. Understand that all relationships will have varied dynamics. Also understand we all have things going on in our own lives that we’re not always aware of.


Be vulnerable

Story telling helps us connect. Be vulnerable to share your stories with your sisters and also be open to others being vulnerable with you.

Women Cheers

“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another, we’re strongest when we cheer each other on.” – Serena Williams
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05-Feb, 24

The Road To Courage
The road to courage

We often reach out to our sisterhood to share their stories, their learnings and reflections, here’s one on The Road to Courage from Natalie Heslop.



The days of keeping busy are over…

Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, once said: “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

We need moments of respite or time out! Moments when we can centre ourselves, reflect, renew, and recharge.

It can take the form of simply having five minutes of guided meditation, enjoying an afternoon cup of tea, or even playing your favourite music and don’t forget the joy in having a dance in front of the mirror.

A break every 30 – 60 minutes is typically suggested, especially for people who spend most of their day sitting or are otherwise inactive for a significant portion of the day.

To further expand on those moments of respite, heart-based or “being present” experiences help centre ourselves and “fill our bucket”.  For instance, taking a walk-in nature with a friend can lead to a lasting memory of the shared experience, even if the conversation or activity was not exactly memorable.



Now that we have mastered moments of time out we’re ready to create moments of courage: try stepping outside your comfort zone and taking risks, setting goals, and working towards them, and surrounding yourself with supportive people who encourage you to be your best self.

 These moments can bring us back to our true selves, allowing us to remember our strength and resilience.

Road to courage
Remind yourself of who you are.

Life can only become memorable when we step into our heart space and act on our true impulses.

Whilst sipping on a cup of tea or wine ;) reading these words, give yourself the opportunity to savour the essence of who you truly are. 

Identify your strengths, conquer any fears and make a conscious decision to create more moments of respite and courage in your daily life. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

- Natalie Heslop


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24-Oct, 23

Home Organisation

Have you ever panicked when the doorbell is about to ring and your guests are early?  You have been flat chat running from one thing to the next and now you find yourself in a mad rush to get some kind of order together.

Or perhaps it’s those ever-growing mountains of washing (dirty and clean) that are endless and making your sofa their best friend?

Those domestic chores can seem overwhelming and it’s hard to take on when you have the choice of seeking out some sunshine and a little “me time” versus the daily household grind.

The meaning of “Home” is a safe haven and comfort zone. A place to live with our families and enjoy with friends. A place to build memories, a place where we can truly be ourselves. The space we live in impacts how we feel and how we function. There can be so many benefits to living an uncluttered life within our homes. With a less is more approach we can promote our wellbeing and reduce our stress levels.  We can find more time and space to do the things we love.

The meaning of “Home” is a safe haven and comfort zone. A place to live with our families and enjoy with friends.

 Fortunately, there is a wealth of information and support available with many great tips and ways to create our own home sanctuaries. It’s important not to create pressure for ourselves, it can start with something as simple as 5 mins a day.  An organized home gives back in spades in creating a calm oasis and making every day life so much easier.

The KonMari Method created by Marie Kondo encourages tidying by category. Keeping only those things that speak to the heart, and discarding items that no longer spark joy.

Home Page – KonMari | The Official Website of Marie Kondo

Courtney Carver shares an honest and meaningful approach to a simpler life in her book from The Simplicity Space

Beginner Minimalist? Start here and experiment with this roadmap. (

While Chantel Mila has inspired millions with her cleaning hacks for a fast clean and healthy home oasis. "I am a really big believer that coming home to a clean home is a form of self-care. In the same way that we put on our face masks and wash our hair, changing your bed linen is a form of self-care because it gives you a more restful night's sleep. Decluttering your home is a form of self-care because that environment that we surround ourselves in plays such a big impact on our mood and how we feel."

Chantel Mila | Home Tips (

An organized home makes things easier to find and carves out more time for us to do the things we enjoy.  So, when that doorbell rings you are looking forward to spending time with those you love and treasuring having them be a part of your little sanctuary.

Our homes can be just like that little seedling that is planted in Spring and with a little love, nurture and care lead to something bright and beautiful to enjoy every day.

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17-Oct, 23

What Glassware Goes With What Wine??

What wine goes with what glassware can be confusing…. when it comes to selecting the correct glassware for your favourite wine you can make it as simple or complicated as you like (similar to selecting a wine).

If you prefer a more relaxed approach we would suggest purchasing 2 different styles of glasses - one for your sparkling wine and one universal glass to cover your white, red and rosé wines.

Classic style flute
It’s not complicated and very elegant. The height of the flute allows the bubbles to travel through a larger volume before popping at the top

So, let’s start with the sparkling wine glass. You may be drinking Four Sisters Prosecco, Australian sparkling or Champagne so you need a glass that covers all styles of bubbles.

To start out I would suggest a classic style flute, it’s not complicated and very elegant. The height of the flute allows the bubbles to travel through a larger volume before popping at the top - and who doesn’t love that?

If you’d like to take it up a notch and spend a few more dollars, I would suggest a tulip shaped sparkling glass. This style is definitely on trend and for good reason. It captures the aromas and allows for optimal concentration in the glass. The tulip shape encourages the bubbles to travel to the top at the correct speed, purely to enhance your experience. Basically, the wider the glass, the more aromas the glass is able to capture.

Classic tulip sparkling glass
It captures the aromas and allows for optimal concentration in the glass. The tulip shape encourages the bubbles to travel to the top at the correct speed, purely to enhance your experience.

Classic tulip sparkling glas

A glass of sparkling is well known as a celebratory wine for events and special occasions but can also be served at the start of a meal as an aperitif before eating.

Serve sparkling (including Prosecco) 3-7°C Serve Champagne at 8-10°C.

Universal glass

Universal glass
The stem is medium length and the deep tulip style bowl permits aeration when swirled.

Now, let’s move on to the universal glass.

There are so many different styles of universal wine glasses but if you were just looking for something simple I would suggest an all-rounder that’s dishwasher safe. The stem is medium length and the deep tulip style bowl permits aeration when swirled.  As mentioned, it’s a universal glass so you can use it for whites, rosé and reds alike.

Serve white & rosé wines at 7 – 12 °C.

Serve red wines at 12 – 20 °C

Glass washing tips

Hand washing is always recommended but most glasses are dishwasher safe (please check).

Polish when the glass is hot with a microfibre cloth or towel for the best shine.


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17-Oct, 23

Top 5 Great Summer Reads

Summer reads – the perfect time to unwind, escape from your reality and slow down the pace.

We reached out to some of the ladies in our Sisterhood and asked them for their TOP 5 favourite Summer reads… We hope this brings you inspiration for your Summer holidays. Enjoy!

Such an old book that I’ve read many times. Stunningly written, takes you on an emotional journey.


A Little Life, Hanya Yanagihara - Captivating, devastating and beautifully written.

Honeybee, Craig Silvey  - Beautiful and terrifying. The perfect portrayal of people at their best and worst.

Boy Swallows Universe, Trent Dalton - A touching and thrilling book, I grew attached to the characters.

Hello Beautiful, Ann Napolitano  - Emotional, moving, represents flawed individuals making up family love.

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Gail Honeyman - A tragic yet hilarious human story, loved the characters

Shantaram, Gregory Roberts  - Such an old book that I’ve read many times.  Stunningly written, takes you on an emotional journey.



The Happiest Man on Earth; by Eddie Jaku  - One of the most inspiring stories I’ve ever read. Everyone should read this book at least once….

From Scratch, A memoir of Love, Sicily & Finding Home; by Tembi Locke  - This beautiful memoir had me laughing & crying all at the same time.

Seven Days in June; by Tia Williams  - Spicy & romantic…could not stop turning the pages…

The Alchemist; by Paulo Coelho  - A book that’s 25 years old+, with a simplistic tale of following one’s dream

Lessons in Chemistry; by Bonnie Garmus  - I haven’t read this one yet, but it’s on the hit list for Summer based on all the great reviews



488 rules for Life by Kitty Flannagan’s - The thankless art of being correct. I like the way Kitty uses a dry clever wit with observations of the every day.

The First Wife by Jill Childs - A page turner with a twist.

The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller - This is part of Reese Witherspoon Bookclub. About the myriad loves that make up a life.

Able by Dylan Alcott - An inspiring guy and I have actually seen him present. This is definitely a great read and was summed up best as “proving that for every one thing you can’t do there are 10,000 other things that you can”.

All the Frequent Troubles of Our Days by Rebecca Donner - Truly captivating! A true story of the woman at the heart of the German Resistance to Hitler.



Scar tissue by Anthony Keidis - One of my favourite books. A very charismatic, unique individual with enough stories to last many lifetimes.  A thrilling read even if you’re not familiar with his music.

A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin - This is incredible! I believe the book is far more detailed and more brutal than series which I haven’t seen. Truly captivating in every sense of the word.

The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini - A best seller and for good reason. It’s about a family of Afghan refugees who escape war and oppression by living in the US. A must read – it puts life into perspective.

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo – I love a good thriller / crime novel and for me this was exceptional A very fascinating, intelligent read (part of a series).

Fifteen Seconds of Brave – My most recent read and well worth it. Shared stories of resilient people  and their words of advice. Very heart warming.

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24-Oct, 23

Hosting Hacks for a Stress Free Festive Season
As the festive season rolls in, the thought of dinner parties, BBQs, and Sunday lunches can go from exciting to overwhelming pretty quickly.
To help you keep things fun and easy, we've asked our team to share their essential tips.
1. Encourage guests to bring a side dish Invite your friends to bring a side dish! This makes your life easier but also spices up the meal with all sorts of flavours. This not only makes for a more diverse spread but also allows everyone to contribute something special. It’s also a great way to share family recipes and traditions, making the meal even more meaningful.
2. Set the table the night before Avoid the last-minute rush by setting the table the night before. Lay out your dishes, utensils, and glassware so everything looks great when guests arrive. You’ll have more time for those final touches and can focus on enjoying the day. And don’t forget some festive decorations! Don’t forget to add some festive decorations or a beautiful centrepiece to elevate the atmosphere! A little greenery or seasonal flowers can make a big impact.
3. Create a festive playlist Get the vibe right with a killer playlist! Put together a mix of holiday classics and fun tunes that’ll keep the energy up. Another hack is to pop on your favourite Christmas movie soundtrack - there are always a few classics in there everyone will love.
4. Plan a signature cocktail Consider creating a signature cocktail for your gathering. This adds a fun twist and gives your guests something unique to enjoy. Prepare a batch beforehand, and set up a self-serve bar area where guests can help themselves. You might even provide a few different mixers or garnishes so guests can customise their drinks. Need some inspo? Check out our delicious recipe for Blush Pink Mimosas.
5. Make a game plan If hosting really stresses you out - Outline a timeline for the day leading up to the event. List out tasks you need to accomplish, from food prep to final touches, and set specific times to complete them. This will help keep you organised and ensure that nothing gets overlooked. Having a clear plan can ease anxiety and give you more confidence as the day approaches.
6. Order your wine in advance One of the easiest ways to prep for your festivities is to order your wine ahead of time—ideally in bulk! This way, you’ll have all your favourites on hand and won’t find yourself in a last-minute wine run. Consider getting a mix of sparkling, red, and white to cater to everyone’s taste.Shop the full Four Sisters range and you'll be set for everyone's tastes and preferences.
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24-Oct, 23

Our Top 5 Chick Flicks

For those that aren’t familiar with the term ‘chick flick’, this is a movie that appeals especially to us ladies. There is usually a love or romance theme and a female lead. How can you go wrong!?

We reached out to some of the ladies in our Sisterhood to find their favourite TOP 5 chick flicks for a night in with the gals…

It’s time to gather the girls for a movie marathon!

Here’s what our sisters had to say…

What is your TOP 5 CHICK FLICKS of all time? 



  1. Clueless – Love the fashion - the outfits are timeless! Seriously, after all these years, I still wish my closet was just like Cher's.

  2. Cruel Intentions – So many elements to this movie. I love the soundtrack and adore Reese Witherspoon in this. This takes me back to back to my teenage years, so many good memories.

  3. The Devil wears Prada – Meryl Streep is so fierce! Again, I love the fashion.. A great message - don’t sacrifice your life, sanity, morals and wellbeing for a job opportunity.

  4. 50 First Dates – Firstly, I adore Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore so that’s a big win for me. Its just such a sweet film and very heart warming.

  5. How to lose a guy in ten days – ok, so there’s incredibly handsome Matthew McConaughey…but it’s also the perfect amount of romance and comedy.

Dirty Dancing - “Nobody puts baby in the corner”…love the storyline, love the soundtrack & love the ending…


  1. Dirty Dancing - “Nobody puts baby in the corner”…love the storyline, love the soundtrack & love the ending….

  2. The Notebook - No matter how many times I watch this, I still cry!! A love story for the ages.

  3. Pretty Woman - “Big Mistake. Big. Huge. I have to go Shopping Now.”…. revenge at its best …. this scene never dates!

  4. Ghost – Another tear jerker….and another Patrick Swayze movie 😉

  5. Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Old romantic Hollywood wrapped in 1960s glitz and glam.

Bridget Jones Diary - So many funny moments and Bridget’s character is just very relatable.


  1. Titanic - It’s poignant sad ending and being based on a true historical tragic event, I think it’s a must watch. I enjoyed the theatre of it, the soundtrack, the unlikely against the odds romance and grand era of the time. It is also an interesting view to the nature of human behaviour and classes of society.

  2. A Star is Born - Big fan of Lady Gaga, she is unique and has the most amazing vocals and Bradley Cooper is….easy on the eye.

  3. Bridget Jones Diary - So many funny moments and Bridget’s character is just very relatable.

  4. Bridesmaids - For a bit of a laugh and that dress fitting scene is hard to forget.

  5. The Vow - Inspired by true events and it features Rachael McAdams and Channing Tatum. Channing Tatum is well liked amongst my girlfriends (giving away my age too 😊) and it’s not necessarily because of he’s stellar acting skills.



  1. Notting Hill - "Chicks love grey, nice firm buttocks" It’s a classic!

  2. Pitch Perfect - Very funny and great for a sing along.

  3. Coyote Ugly - Such a feel-good movie of navigating love and life aspirations.

  4. The Ugly Truth - Heart-warming, feel good movie.

  5. The Other Woman - Very funny, very unrealistic but a great movie.

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24-Oct, 23

A Journey With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

I was your typical outgoing female in my mid-30’s. Very social, active and enjoyed doing many things to the extreme. Life resembled a bit of a party and most of my friends at the time reflected those choices. I was definitely no stranger to over indulging at times, both with food & alcohol whilst trying to balance it all out with exercise and natural therapies. I loved to jog at least twice a week, regular walks, gym sessions and always on the go either with work, family or friends; your typical A type personality. I don’t think I had a clear bill of health by any stretch but I was functioning well and very able.

In mid-2017 I was diagnosed with glandular fever - it’s an infectious disease caused by the Epstein Barr virus. In the lead up to being diagnosed, I slowly found myself losing energy, struggling to focus and zero energy to exercise. I instantly knew something wasn’t right…

In the lead up to being diagnosed, I slowly found myself losing energy, struggling to focus and zero energy to exercise

Once the virus had properly set in I was struggling to get out of bed, unable to shower whilst standing, severe brain fog, headaches, swollen glands, back pain and basically unable to leave the house without falling in a heap.

Naturally, I was unable to work during this time which was one of my biggest concerns. Lucky for me, my work was extremely supportive and worked towards helping me as best they could. I was also very lucky to be living with a very supportive upbeat friend at the time which really helped my sanity and got me through the tough days. My closest, dearest friends were also a great support, including family. As they say, hard times will always reveal your true friends.

I went to a naturopath to get some nutritional advice and suggestions on supplementation. She loaded me up with so many pills, I’m sure I would have rattled if someone shook me. I didn’t care, I honestly would have done anything if that meant getting my life back.  I battled the effects of Glandular fever for at least 3.5 months. I kept thinking positive thoughts (mostly) and imagined getting better, approaching the 4 month mark I slowly started to improve. I could stand up for longer periods, shower standing, walk to the end of my street and each day I was getting stronger. By the end of 2017 I was almost back to feeling myself and easing back into work. I remember thinking to myself, I kicked Glandular Fever’s butt! Finally…

I started getting back into my old routine of being social (making up for lost time), spending time with family, full time work and exercise. A few months went by and I still felt okay. Not 100% but as close to. Until…July 2018, I started feeling exhausted every day, found it incredibly hard to get out of bed, headaches, dizziness, slight brain fog and a general sense feeling of unwell. This progressively got worse.

I went to the doctor for a series of blood tests. I asked my doctor at the time ‘can you get glandular fever twice’ he said ‘no, I don’t believe so, I think you’re just tired, you need to rest more’. I left his clinic feeling very defeated and a bit teary.

As I slowly went downhill I had to stop working full time, stop socialising, no exercise and simply focus on my health. For me, that was like chopping off my right arm, actually no, both arms! It was incredibly challenging.

My health journey saw me with several medical professionals, both Eastern and Western to try and get some answers, relief and ultimately, find a cure.

I saw specialists, doctors, a Chinese herbalist, physician, acupuncturist, weekly IV vitamin infusions (Myers cocktail), daily bone broth, superfood smoothies, energy healing, naturopathy, chiropractor, craniosacral and so many tests I lost count. All of these specialists and healing modalities had me dishing out thousands of dollars and emptying my savings account but with minimal improvement.

I felt like my life had ended abruptly without an understanding of when or if I’d ever get it back. Without an end in sight, unable to socialise and no exercise, my mental health was challenged. The toll it took was fairly significant even though I’m a pretty positive person.

I just kept thinking I am not sure how, but I will, I will find a way out of this. At my worst, I was struggling to walk to the end of my street and back (similar to when I had Glandular Fever). Finding it very hard to stay in a conversation for long periods of time – and when I say long, I mean 3-5 minutes.

In late 2018 into 2019, I saw some improvement. Enough to make me think I was getting better and I was on the right track. I could function about 50-70% most of the time with major brain fog and constant exhaustion being my main symptoms but I could get by, just.

I was so excited by my progress I booked a trip to Europe with a group of friends for August 2019. As the trip got closer and closer my health declined again and I was not getting better so I almost cancelled my trip. But after realising I wouldn’t be refunded for the cost outlay, I decided to go ahead with the trip and off to UK, Croatia and France I went. Most days I struggled in one way or another but pushed through. I’m so grateful I went, I experienced some of the most incredible moments with some very special people in my life. Sometimes you can surprise yourself when challenged and in a different environment.

Several months after returning from Europe my health crashed again and after trying my hardest to overcome these hurdles I just couldn’t get back on track. I finally hit the point of pure frustration and exhaustion – I was just so over it. This happened as we approached the pandemic lockdowns. I said to myself, if I can’t find something to cure me now, I give up.

About a month later, I came across a doctor on YouTube, based in Port Charlotte, US. He was definitely a little unusual and very extreme in his methods but once again, I was willing to try anything at this point. He was known as the doctor people go to if all others have failed. He certainly suited my situation! Funnily enough I really resonated with this Doctor and he came across like such a genuine human, wanting to help others in any way possible. I did some further digging and found a specialist in Sydney trained by this doctor, so I got in touch with her immediately and begun implementing his unusual methods. I went 100% vegan and basically consumed only fruit with liquid herbs (tinctures) for months on end (minus a few hiccups along the way) along with a few other supporting modalities. Within 2 weeks I could feel a big shift and within a month I could walk 2 kilometres (3-4 times a week) and within 2 months I was walking 5 kilometres. I also connected with a special individual, a man that had been through a similar experience to me. He had CFS and healed himself with diet, meditation and exercise. He was happy to mentor me for a little while, just to help me get on track. He was a huge support to me, knowing he understood what I was going through made it so much easier. He also introduced me to meditation which helped immensely.

My transformation was unbelievable - everyone that knew me could see I had transformed my health and witnessed the change. I went from strength to strength and finally got back to performing better in all facets of my life.

So, here I am now, basically 6 years since being diagnosed with glandular fever and I’m feeling much stronger (mentally), more able and clear headed than I did before I was sick. I’m still working on getting my physical fitness and strength back to where it was but I’m getting stronger each day. I just take it one day at a time.

I can quite honestly say, I am grateful for what I had to go through but I would never wish it upon anyone. Not only did I learn how to slow down and practice self-care on a level I never knew existed but I learnt to appreciate the small things in life. It slowed my life down to a pace that’s more manageable. I also don’t feel the need to always be doing something or socialising and if I don’t feel like doing something, I simply don’t do it and feel much better for it. 

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